The Disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane
No one was there to wipe the tears of the Holy One.
Those disciples had the infinitely unique opportunity to comfort the God of all heaven, the Creator.
They had a chance to show themselves selflessly loyal to the very King of Kings.
We've all heard stories of brave and faithful followers who chose to die with their beloved leaders rather than live without them. The disciples didn't do that, in spite of Peter's bold words from an easier moment.
The disciples had the chance to show their love for their Lord in such a way that they would leave no doubt in anyone's mind that they didn't follow Jesus just for blessing and protection. It would have been so clear how much they loved their King.
But they didn't.
And I believe that Jesus suspected that they wouldn't be able to do it. And it hurt Him, no doubt. But He came for the very purpose of saving the weak from their weakness, rescuing the faithless from their faithlessness, and delivering the sin-sick from the guilt of their iniquity.
So He pressed on in spite of His own personal pain and disappointment. He loved us then, as He does now, in spite of our shortcomings and failures. In spite of all that is wrong with us, He claims us as His own and He will redeem us triumphantly. Don't be discouraged that you need to be redeemed. His love ensures our redemption.