Friday, April 17, 2020

I so wanted to approach Him ‘in the now’ last night,
to really spend the kind of time with him
that I needed to spend.
It wasn’t happening
until I
(this is after I’d crawled into bed)
I let myself imagine that he was sitting on the swing outside in the yard,
and I walked toward him.
As I felt the reality of that approach, I, in my mind,
couldn't help but fall at his feet 
and I just hugged his legs - so overwhelmed with love
and with joy sprinkled liberally
right through
my anxiety.

I was content there, just being with him...


a hand on my shoulder, (he calls those things which aren’t as though they are) 
and as I looked up, the smiling, gentle, loving invitation to come up
and sit with him
to snuggle under his arm
and rock with him together facing the western sky, in its beauty.

How can my soul not be uplifted by this?

In some amazing way, he made this real.
I can only imagine that i has something to do with Him
calling those things that aren’t
as though they are.

Just so we can be together.